Tuesday, October 23, 2007

LUSTER, two weeks ago

Finally, here are some pictures from the LUSTER gallery show that was down in Logan Circle at Lee Jensen's Brake Shop. It was a really nice space. Especially nice were the brake pads and belts behind the bar, the lichen on the walls, and the hole in the bathroom wall. It was tempting to urinate out that hole.

Trevor Young, a gentleman I have known now for 26 years had a painting in this show. It is a very good painting, part of a series he did of machines, basins and other industrial utility items. Here it is:


Other artwork included the gold shoes that were in the show's flier, some other paintings, a couple of sculptures, and these by Kate Hardy:

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I don't know this guy's name, but he was cool:

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On the left is Philippa, one of the show's organizers
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Philippa's website.

And there are better pictures by Sarah Goldberg


ForTrevorYoung said...

Great images

Sarah Goldberg said...

thanks for linking people to my photos!

Sarah Goldberg said...

(great shots, by the way)