More Pictures. These are groups of images in a banner style. If they were landscapes you could call them panoramics, but they are not landscapes.
This first set is called "Winged". All of the subjects have them in one form or another. They are all animals, also, so there are no aircraft or anything. The first is an osprey, followed by a slaty skimmer (a dragonfly), a Swainson's hawk, dead bugs, cedar waxwings, a silver-haired bat, and a skimmer.
These are water in various forms, reflections off of water, and things seen through water.
These images all have a certain repeated pattern, kind of like crossties on a railroad.
Long things pointing up and down. The first one is from Durham. that is the Lucky Strike chimney. Then there is a fishing rod, a mast, and a piece of machinery. I think it was used to transport huge pipes onto the beach for a beach renourishment project. They probably killed baby sea turtles in the process.
Different pathways. Stairs in the tower of the Post Office Pavilion. Piping plover footprints. The Appalachian Trail in fog. Snow from the 12th floor, Johnny Mercer's Pier, Wrightsville Beach.
DC Monuments.
Hands. A bass fretboard, fried dough from the Portuguese baker in P'town, rolling out Ledo's style pizza dough, Carolina-style three-finger pickin', and a throw net.
Random things.
Carved stone. Unfortunately, two of these are from Duke. The Chapel on West Campus, and some East Campus Greek-temple-like building.
More to come...